Saturday, February 9, 2008


The 3rd day of Chinese New Year, not very eventful as well. Spent the morning playing Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2. Hilarious shit. If you've got half-life 2, check it out! Then read more bullcrap at Check this out: If you like that stuff, check out the other articles. Some of them contain mature content and stuff, you have been warned. They're written by Americans after all.
Then Ashpenn came over, bought a Mcspicy meal for me for lunch. Such a nice guy. Played Halo 3 most of the day, finally got out of Valhalla, and figured out how it feels like if the Earth's gravity was halved, and could run three times the speed of an olympic athlete over a minefield. 'Tis fun. Then we played Forza Motorsport 2, which i thought was retarded at first cos the handling of the cars is almost non-existent. But we sorta figured it out in the end. Sortof. and played some 7 km track, 3 laps. The game lasted 15 minutes lol. Right now, I'm eating dinner, reading up on French expressions AND writing tis post at the same time. Ha. Who says guys can't multitask?

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