Monday, February 25, 2008


I've just realised how addictive "Aerodynamic" by Daft Punk is. I've been playing it over and over and over again since 2pm. THE CATCHY TUNE. IT FEEDS UPON MY BRAINWAVES!!!!!111 Theres this lovely electric guitar segment that makes me feel so uppity. I can't believe that some pople haven't even HEARD of Daft Punk. They should really come out of their little hole in the ground and LISTEN.

Got some ice cream from Ice Cream Chefs today. Hershey's chocolate with Famous Amos mixed in. heavenly.
Then I spent the whole friggen afternoon doing Chem homework. Worked until 9 before I went to try out that guitar thingie from Aerodynamic on the piano. It's gonna sound so cool once I master it. Not in that rock-ish kind of way but in that classical-ish kind of way.
My mum told me that we're going back to Australia for the March hols. Anything you guys want me to get for you, just give me a holler.
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