Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Longest Day

Finally! Got the Jumper soundtrack. Love the theme, it gets your adrenaline going and your fingers tapping.

Joined Tedric from TPJC to go for his maths tuition at some dude's place which is a 5 min. walk away from mine, and stayed there for 5 1/2 hours, doing partial fractions. Finally I've mastered the damn topic. About time too, else i'll be swamped with incromprehensible H2 maths flibbertigibbettiness.

Immediately after that, went with my parents for dinner at the Marriot Hotel, I went for the buffet, and man do they make awesome desserts. Near the end of my meal, some person came over and asked in a sweet lady's voice whether I was finished with my plate of food. I said yes and then this huge hairy arm came into view. Immediately I looked at the person and it was some large burly Indian guy. Scary.

Going to mug with Hong Aik again tomorrow.

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