Monday, March 10, 2008

4th day

Looks like Blogger doesn't like australia. Pictures still can't be uploaded.

Ah well, let's talk about food then. I had Laksa at UNSW today. Of all the many types of food available, I chose laksa, and apparently i made the right one. The bowl that i got contains about 3 times the stuff than that in Singapore, and it's pretty evil-looking. No, it's the creation of the devil. One mouthful of it made me start crying and my nose started running and i started sweating after a few more. There were dumplings in it as well, but the whole thing cost 7 dollars? Worth it? I think so. I wasn't the one paying anyway lol :P

In australia, there's an extremely varied selection of food to engorge yourself with, there's italian, fast food, really cheap chinese(but really tasty), Greek, lots of kebab stalls, and many many more. if your wallet happens to be particularly fat at the time, try that gourmet italian or Japanese family-owned restaraunts and you'll never go to pastamania or sakae sushi again. If not, you could go to one of those pubs and grab a 7$ steak.

Oh, and the coffee is good.

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