Saturday, July 26, 2008

UNSW ftw?

I attended some talk today about entering US, UK and Aussie Universities after graduation and friggen stupid NS. (speaking of NS, i just got my registration letter today. I feel like burning their building down.) It was quite interesting, learned a bit about how to apply and which unis specialise in which course. I'm thinking of trying medicine although chances are slim. They say that it's not that much on results and more of the passion though. I want to help people, and I like Biology. So.

I'm thinking of entering UNSW. My parents already had it all planned out for me, making me an aussie citizen and all, I hope I don't screw it up.

A friend introed to me a song a few days ago, it's caled "Do Ya" by Mcfly. Catchy tune.

Also, just got back from dinner at Cafe Cartel. St. Louis BBQ ribs ftw!


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