Thursday, July 24, 2008


alright, i've decided that after a 3/4 month hiatus, perhaps I should post something again. YAY!

So, Tampines JC isn't THAT bad after all, i've made some really good friends there. But seriously, TPJC is full the weirdest dudes and gals you'll ever meet. It doesnt't get any weirder than that.
One guy has a fascination with touching other guys.
One guy has a fascination with oldie music and musicals and thinks that Aston's sucks. I think he's pure evil.
2 guys are from indonesia. These guys are pretty normal, just a little annoying sometimes.
And this indian dude. He's sick in the mind, i tell you. sick in the freaking mind. And hairy.
Girls are mostly okay, with the occasional boy-love-anime-loving metalhead.

My results sucked: 1U, 2Ses,1 E, 1 D and 1 B. You'll have a hard time guessing which subject I got a B for. Now, to chinese homework.

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