Thursday, July 31, 2008


EEARRGH Next week=fac test. Bio+Chinese+Maths=Epic Fail. PW=epic lulz
EoM=change article, redo! School=suck

So, today was a pretty glum day for me, most of it was spent brooding over the amount of stuff i'm gonna have to do/study. The only thing that cheered me up was the ramblings of the guy sitting next to me in chinese class. I hate to say this, but the things that he says are sometimes downright...stupid. Today, he wondered aloud, "Actually hor, do we need our brains to think or do we think without them?" And yes, he was being serious.

At the end of the day, we had PE, NAPFA 5 stations. Flunked Pullups(0), but got A for sit n reach(49cm) and Situps(44). I did decently for shuttlerun and standing broad jump will be done next week. Can't wait for the jump!

Also, I gotta skip a few hours of school on 22 Aug to go for some interview for the A star attachment programme thingie. I hope i get in yet i don't. There's so much guitar stuff going on during the hols and i don't want to miss any of it!

So anyway, here's a shoop-de-whoop nigel style for you. A lil' low-quality though. I just got my hands on a higher-resolution stock image, I'll make another later. :D

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Title says it all.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Yea so, recently(and not so recently as well) i've been checking out different bands, a change from listening to soundtracks all the time and see f i can get myself interested in some other genres. So far, alternative rock seems okay. A little classical as well

Coldplay was okay, but got dull after a while. They make me want to sleep. Then I checked out a band called Aberdeen City. They're not bad, but their songs are a little unorthodox and weird. Then Muse. Muse is THE SHIT and i mean that in a good way. So far, there is not a song by them that I don't like. They're awesome. Check out Knights of Cydonia and Hysteria. Bought their live album HAARP and it didn't disappoint. Foo Fighters were okay as well, I like The Pretender and their acoustic tracks. Right now i'm checking out Nine Inch Nails, Their(his?) instrumental tracks are EPIC, especially "Just Like You Imagined".

Biology is a killer subject. Or maybe it's DNA and Genomics that makes it so difficult now. Seriously, the sense strand is not the anti-sense strand and the anti-sense strand is the sense strand? utter nonsense(pun intended, I think.)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The long, dark Night

I watched Batman, The Dark Night today. Overall, i guess it was a good movie, definately better than a lot of movies out there.

I must agree that the late Heath Ledger's acting as the Joker was really phenomenal. I love the well-developed story and the interesting psychological experments by the Joker. My only qualm about this movie is that ITS SO DAMN LONG. Yes, i'm complaining about a good movie being too long. After a while, I just kinda lost focus and couldn't fully appreciate the chain of events occuring in the film. But that's about it. I have no other complaints to make. I give it 8.5/10. He better get another tumbler/batmobile thang or i'll boycott the next movie.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

UNSW ftw?

I attended some talk today about entering US, UK and Aussie Universities after graduation and friggen stupid NS. (speaking of NS, i just got my registration letter today. I feel like burning their building down.) It was quite interesting, learned a bit about how to apply and which unis specialise in which course. I'm thinking of trying medicine although chances are slim. They say that it's not that much on results and more of the passion though. I want to help people, and I like Biology. So.

I'm thinking of entering UNSW. My parents already had it all planned out for me, making me an aussie citizen and all, I hope I don't screw it up.

A friend introed to me a song a few days ago, it's caled "Do Ya" by Mcfly. Catchy tune.

Also, just got back from dinner at Cafe Cartel. St. Louis BBQ ribs ftw!


Friday, July 25, 2008


My new CCA is fun. FInally, one that I actually really enjoy. That's the Guitar Ensemble. I love how a simple piece of wood with strings is able to play all kinds of music, using countless different unique styles.(try using your piano as a percussion instrument). Also, it's so damn easy to pick up. It was especially easy for me probably because I had a musical background in playing the piano. I pity those poor souls who used to read tabs only.

Also, it's full of cool and nice people (though the aforementioned touchy-feely weird guy from my class is in it as well.)I'm already friends with most of them, they're a blast to hang around with. Nowadays the only days I look forward to are Wednesdays, fridays and weekends.

Also, I can now play the intro and RHS portions of Flight of the bumblebee on piano :D

Thursday, July 24, 2008


alright, i've decided that after a 3/4 month hiatus, perhaps I should post something again. YAY!

So, Tampines JC isn't THAT bad after all, i've made some really good friends there. But seriously, TPJC is full the weirdest dudes and gals you'll ever meet. It doesnt't get any weirder than that.
One guy has a fascination with touching other guys.
One guy has a fascination with oldie music and musicals and thinks that Aston's sucks. I think he's pure evil.
2 guys are from indonesia. These guys are pretty normal, just a little annoying sometimes.
And this indian dude. He's sick in the mind, i tell you. sick in the freaking mind. And hairy.
Girls are mostly okay, with the occasional boy-love-anime-loving metalhead.

My results sucked: 1U, 2Ses,1 E, 1 D and 1 B. You'll have a hard time guessing which subject I got a B for. Now, to chinese homework.