Thursday, September 25, 2008

I think I just got

PROMOTED! YAY! Bio B, Chem C/D, Chinese B/C and GP possibly E. As for Econs and Maths. Huh. Just failed maths (44/100) and econs? 34+- methinks. Econs is like Greek to me. Okay, maybe not so bad but...I just can't remember all that shit they make us remember. But getting promoted is the most important. Damn the MOE and their meritocratic bullshit.
My parents are out this week, so i'm home alone for an entire week. Hooray!
I saw a flame,
Warm and inviting.
It was easy to tame,
Darkness fled from its lighting.
The wind came
Gone was the flame,
Embers were left,
it smoked,
I think I am too simple-minded a person. All I can currently think of is about mugging, achieving trying to get good results, but for what? There must be something more to life.

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