Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We Are All Made of Stars

I love Moby. His music is so... familiar and awesome. That really catchy tune you heard in that movie? By Moby. The one you heard in the commercial? Composed by Moby. Just love his style.

In my dreams I'm dying all the time
As I wake its kaleidoscopic mind
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant to lie
So this is goodbye
This is goodbye

Tell the truth you never wanted me
Tell me

In my dreams I'm jealous all the time
As I wake I'm going out of my mind
Going out of my mind

Also, watched a 1995 movie called "12 Monkeys" Very good stuff. It addresses a lot of philosophical themes and others like madness, time paradoxes and stuff, it stars Bruce Willis, Madeleine Stowe and Brad Pitt. I felt really depressed after watching it though. Not because the ending sucked but because it was so friggen sad, gave me a "what the fuck, man..." moment, excuse the language. Definitely a movie worth watching, highly recommended by me(if that means anything at all :D)

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Enjoyed myself tremendously yesterday and today. Yesterday, Hong Aik came over and we went cycling, all the way to Changi Airport and back, it was EXHAUSTING. He slept over, and I kinda taught him how to play the guitar(a little). I'm a good teacher right???
To quote Hong aik, this is his version of what happened:"After dinner, we embarked on a journey to the East. I wanted to know-oh-oh-oh-oh, if it's possible to get to the Airport Terminals on bike. We cycled at a fairly fast speed, stopping only once at East Coast Seafood Centre for a drink. I met a few familiar faces as well. I had a great time, chatting and enjoying the breeze slapping my face constantly. Remember? Air resistance=k X velocity^2. Haha. He told me about how scouts once trekked all the way to airport. I can't decide to stand on the supporting or disapproving side of such things, but all I know is I sympathise with them. The sun was setting and it was getting darker by the minute. Finally, we came to a fork in the road and there was a cyclist also there. Politely, I asked if it was possible to cycle to the airport terminals, and I must admit I was disappointed when he told me that the terminals and the path we were on are separated by the airplane runway. In other words, it's impossible. My heart sank as I always believed it was possible. Nevertheless, I decided to turn back and head home, as it was already quite dark."

My laziness=ftw

And then Ashpenn came over today as well, and we had a blast reliving the good old days of co-op alien blasting, trash talking and generally exhibiting childish behaviour. Fun! Then we went to play pool.

ouch, my foot hurts.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I think I just got

PROMOTED! YAY! Bio B, Chem C/D, Chinese B/C and GP possibly E. As for Econs and Maths. Huh. Just failed maths (44/100) and econs? 34+- methinks. Econs is like Greek to me. Okay, maybe not so bad but...I just can't remember all that shit they make us remember. But getting promoted is the most important. Damn the MOE and their meritocratic bullshit.
My parents are out this week, so i'm home alone for an entire week. Hooray!
I saw a flame,
Warm and inviting.
It was easy to tame,
Darkness fled from its lighting.
The wind came
Gone was the flame,
Embers were left,
it smoked,
I think I am too simple-minded a person. All I can currently think of is about mugging, achieving trying to get good results, but for what? There must be something more to life.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The promos are finally over. Despite doing so badly, its still worth celebrating LOL. So i've been playing quite a bit here and a bit there of my old games and got a new one. FPS/RPG hybrids are the best.
 Random F1 picture
But still, i feel a sense of emptiness. After studying so hard for the last few weeks, I finally get to take a rest but there's friggen nothing to do! So many good games/books but so little cash. Thought of getting WoW but mum got suspicious:/ Ah well. I'll be going back to "A Short History of Nearly Everything"
I wonder how much Guitar Hero costs...

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Well. Now that the promos are almost over, its time to enjoy myself a little bit. Don't bother asking me about them though, you'll just get me really pissed. Maths today was epic fail.

So. I was playing a few games again, that i haven't touched for quite some time. It's so nice to have that adrenaline rush again, to feel and hear my heart pounding after killing that asshole who taunted at my corpse the previous round. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Gaming is such a stress reliever, its like an escape route along the linear, dull path of life. Lemme draw up a picture.

Yeah. So next monday's my last paper, i've got 3 days to study for it, im planning to use at least two. I do hope to get promoted :/

Thursday, September 4, 2008