Friday, February 22, 2008


3rd day of oriendation at TPJC. Wet games today! Hurrah! not. I am currently feeling very dirty, even after a 15 minute shower. We rolled around in egg yolk, ketchup, chilli sauce and wet dough, a very unpleasant experience unless you happen to like that sort of thing. I got covered the most, probably because of the excessive surface area created by my height. And the running track is HOT. VERY HOT. It's like HOLDING YOUR DAMN FOOT OVER A DAMN OPEN FLAME. Now I know how eggs feelwhen they're being fried. If eggs were living things, the only thing that would be on their minds would probably be " Oh no", before they suffer a slow, sizzling death and be ingested by some obese american. Speaking of sizzling, my OG mates' feet were making sizzling noises. seriously.

The food at TP is quite varied, you get quite a lot of choices to choose from, but the food doesn't necessarily taste good. But hey, it's pretty cheap, 2.50 for a japanese set meal.

Signed up for CCAs after that. I think i'll check out Guitar ensemble and Air-rifle. Always wanted to join Air-rifle but I wasn't good enough. Tried out a few shots.

I missed a shot. ended up on the card of the guy next to me lol

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