Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Aight. First day of orientation at TPJC. My future looks bleak. Upon arriving at TPJC, student councillors sarted corraling JAE people into the hall. Going to the hall is something like descending into Dante's hell, a (sortof) ring of steps leading downwards into this funky looking building which is apparently the hall.

There we whispered sang the National anthem and stuff and they played the school song. I assumed that the hall wasn't air-conditioned cos it didn't appear to have any doors or anything and prepared myself for a very hot orientation. That was when they started lowering the shutters over the doorways. I was like OMGWTFBBQ FRIGGEN LET ME OUT, MAN! Then I heard the sound of the AC and settled down again. My OG consists of a bunch of really weird people, with a Boy/girl ratio of 3:1. Met a nice guy from Coral Sec who failed to enter NY as well, and sortof got acquainted. The rest of the guys? Bunch of rowdy bastards, especially that guy from St. Pats. Friggen wouldn't close his mouth and spouting profanities all the way. The girls were quiet and kept to themselves.

The principal is super-weird as well. Kept repeating what she said and emphasizing her point over and over and over again. "You will have fun because WE ARE A HAPPI FAMILY! You will have fun because WE HAVE GREAT AND CARING TEACHERS. YOU WILL HAVE FUN BECAUSE YOUR PEERS ARE VERY HELPFUL!" right... spread your propaganda in a less obvious fashion please. Then she broke into song for some reason and sang off-tune.

Then we had some icebreaker games that weren't very ice-breaking and did some cheers, some of which were pretty lame-o.

and then sat through about 3 hours of subject talks and shit like that.
At 1 pm, left school early, said I had to appeal to other JCs. Went to Ashpenn's place instead to play Half-life 2 on the 360. I just recieved an SMS from that NY AEP teacher, sayng that she would not exercise my appeal for arts. I think I'm well and thoroughly screwed.

Really miss you 1S20 guys. My mum refuses to allow me to return to SR, so i'm stuck in TP.
Wherever I go, I keep thinking Kimberly and Joanna when I see CHIJ girls and spotted a few Nicole lookalikes. That guy in a yellow shirt wasn't Robin, and most of the guys were wearing White shirts and blue pants.
Here's hoping I get some good classmates and good teachers. Only a miracle can save me now.

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