Thursday, February 7, 2008


What do normal chinese folks do on the first day of Chinese New Year? I'm assuming you guys go about Singapore to the homes of relatives and friends to demand "phree moneh" from them.

Too bad I don't have relatives in Singapore to demand "phree moneh" from, but at least i still got $100 from my parents. It came in some furry hongbao. Very nice to I think im gonna keep the packet.
Anyways, spent the entire morning and early afernoon making this blog and finding materials for the design. You like it?
Then we went aaaaaaaaaallll the way to some temple in Bishan so my mum can pray for good luck and stuff. We're supposedly freethinkers but going to that temple seems to have become a ritual.
Guess where we went after that? Sungei Buloh Nature reserve. Cool right? I got to stroll around mosquito-infested swamps while you guys harvested "phree moneh". Ah well, at least i got a cool pic of a monitor lizard pretty up close.
I like Yu Shen. It comes with smoked salmon. tasty.

Got nothing to do tomorrow, might go to play tennis or sommat like that

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