Saturday, August 2, 2008

Speech Day

Right after maths tuition today, I immediately sped to Victoria School, my alma mater just in time to catch the finale. It was Mr Wong Liang Seng, our infamous opera-singing Chemistry teacher. Then the band came in and played the Victoria Anthem (School Song). That was when I realised how attached how attached I was to the school. I cried and let the tears flow freely. After the Victorian Anthem.

The most interesting part came right after the Anthem. It was the cheering competition, to see who could cheer louder, the seniors(us) or the current batch. I'm proud to say that it was a tie.
Here's a video:

I saw so many familliar faces, though some of them no longer had names attached to them. A pity.
I congratulated one of my best friends, Hong Aik.
Holy shit my gums look horrible. This is one fugly picture. Pity its the only one I got.

Then I went with a few mates (Octave Ah Pui and Kevin Lameass) to Parkway Macs for dinner. Followed by pool with Ben and one of my bestest friends, Ashpenn. I had a freakin' awesome time with all my old mates and i'm hyped for next weeks gathering.

It's sad how we don't really appreciate what we have until we lose them.

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