Sunday, September 20, 2009

Once upon a midnight dreary...

Long time no post. Very very long time. Half out of boredom, half out of reluctance to FINISH MY DAMNED BIO HOMEWORK TO BE HANDED IN ON TUESDAY OR SOME CRAP LIKE THAT, I have decided to revive my blog, by now covered under probably an inch of dust, dead skin cells and otherworldly particles.

Though so long has passed, there still isn't that much to talk about, or maybe it's just that i'm tired and sleepy. Tis' the exams, they are taking their toll on me, even though I've already taken 3 days off, I've sorta lost the stamina to study. Just feel like sitting around and idling, stare at stuff, go to facebook every 15 minutes although I know nothing is happening, PLAYING FRIGGEN TETRIS on facebook. I'm getting tired of this shit, yet I musn't. And yet, after all this crap is over, after the A's, what am I going to do? my past 3 years were devoted very much significantly to studying, day to night, then wake up the next morning, rinse, cleanse, repeat Ad Nauseum. I still refuse to sleep during the day, and I do not wish to break my track record of approximately 14 years without sleeping in the day. As tired as I feel these days, I refuse to sleep during the day. Call me crazy all you want, I aint wastin' time on snoozing when there's good stuff to be doing.*looks at earlier part of the paragraph*

Just done with the prelims, they were horrible, but better than SA1. Dunno if that's a good thing or a bad thing. 2 months to A Levels, whoopee. I'm probably still not going to be getting any A's for prelims, and this worries me to hell. On the other hand, I have been hanging out with excellent company, be it my awesome study partners or good ol' VS guys. We might just pull through. Might. Looking forward to a breath of fresh air at the end of the year. Then NS. Horrible horrible NS. My friends say i'll gain weight and buff up in NS. I'm not so sure.

I've been thinking a bit about religion, Christianity and all that jazz. I'm still uncertain about the whole shebang. I acknowledge that there might be some godly being out there, yet Science tells me otherwise. I've been going to church with some friends, to try to answer some of my questions. It's been interesting, enough for me to return weekly. Besides, gives me an excuse to study afterwards, as of today, I remain an agnostic. I do detest people who promote atheism because they think they're "cool" as the odd one out, I hate them with a passion. While they do have a right to spread their views to others, please get the fuck out of my face if I tell you to. I've heard and read about many theories and arguments, and they do hold water. I find all this fascinating and intriguing but i'd like to make my own decision and come to my own conclusions, thank you very much. I will choose what to accept and what not to accept, and I will give you a piece of my personal mind if you do not comply. AAANYWAY, i'll keep my mind open, and see what comes.

Should I or should I not go back to bio?

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