Sunday, June 7, 2009

No more guitar

Well, that's that. As of yesterday, the reign of TPGE08-09 ended, and everybody not-so-happily returned home to mugging for their respective exams.(preceded only by much needed sleep). As I put away Guitar no. 12 into its hard case for the last time, I realised that I wouldn't be the next person to take it out again. It was a poignant scene. With 2 of the girls crying away beside me, I kissed the case and patted it goodbye, and haltingly walked out of the guitar room. I wanted to go back in, but decided to distance myself away from the room as quickly as possible. The damn SYF sticker is still on the guitar. Should have taken it off. Last night, I played through all of our pieces once again, and it was kind of difficult not to notice the emptiness in the songs, the lack of a melody, or accompaniment. I won't be playing with the ensemble again for a loong time. Though we will still see each other in school, we will not be producing music together, and it makes all the difference. 
We'll see what happens.

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