One of my family's houses at rushcutter's bay, currently rented out to some guys.

There's a porthole which you can look out of/into the kitchen with. cool huh?

stairs from "basement" to 1st floor. the lights are supposed to turn on when you clap your hands, but the tenants f*cked it up.

awesome field

At my sister's place. The neighbour's pet chicken jumped up on the fence.

Outside the rushcutter's bay house


view from the front door


Inside my sister's lab. They do weird stuff in here.

Like I said, they call it the dungeon.

probably used to torture people with.

This machine was manufactured by NASA. Don't believe me? look for yourself.

Some sea urchin thingie and a bunch of rocks

the crater made from some fat person's ass

Now this, this is the epitome of good food. freakin awesome stuff. This is veal stroganoff, very tender. The mashed potato is so smooth that there arent any lumps at all.

Punpkin soup. This stuff is AWESOME
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