Tuesday, April 28, 2009

SYF 2009

Well, TPJC Guitar Ensemble got Silver this year.

2007:Gold with Honours

sounds like a world of difference doesn't it? For months we worked our asses off. I'm sure that my "lack of ass" has become even more scarce by now. ACJC got Gold, congrats and good job to you. We were always on par, perhaps you finally outplayed us today. SAC got Gold as well. I'm not so happy about this one. I'm sure that anyone who has heard SAC play will agree that it IS gold with honours material, and then some funny-sounding neighbourhood school comes and steals the title away. MJC got Gold as well. Granted, they did play fairly well, but i'd say they do not play as well as ACJC and SAC. If MJC deserved to get a gold, TPJC deserved to get a gold as well. I hope that it wasn't their fancy expensive pregnant bass guitars that gave them the title.

Ah well. Too bad there's no next time.

Friday, April 24, 2009


That's me right on top of everyone else. Obviously I'm not THAT tall. I tiptoed :D

Monday, April 20, 2009

OMG I'M 18

about a month late, but still, i remember how I didn't want to grow up when I was 12. I'm scared of death.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Apparently it is D-day for the flies, and they forgot to send me a memo.
So a battalion of about 23 flies assaulted my room a few hours ago. Immediately, I alerted the troops, got to the battalions and hauled out the Ridsect. It's got the image of a dead mosquito on it but what the hell. The flies appeared to be attracted to my lamp so i just aimed and OPENED FIRE! DIE YOU PIECES OF SHIT. YOU SHAT ON MY GP ESSAY! Closed the door to prevent further intrusions and just in time too. Theres like 10 flies kamikaze-ing into my window at this very moment. I surveyed the damage. 1 very slightly dirtied GP essay, 23 FUCKING FLIES DEAD.pwned the flies 23-1. That'll teach ya. And oh wow, here's another crawling on my table. SQUASHdasASDNASD with tissue paper. Join the shit in the sewers kthxbai. And wtf, here's another. Climb into my keyboard won't you. He thinks he's some fly spy. And wow, go on and hide underneath my "i" key too. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Mission accomplished.

Revised score:25-1 maybe +1 sympathy point to the flies for leaving muck beneath my "i" key. Nick is triumphant.

Friday, April 17, 2009


How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways...
I hate thee to the depth and breadth and height
My cher can't teach, though always in my sight.
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace
I hate thee to the level of everyday's
Most hateful need, by sum and getting right.
I hate thee freely, as GC yields no might;
I hate thee purely, as my patience frays.
I hate thee even with passion fruit, juiced.
In my old briefs, and with no time to bathe.
I hate thee with a hate that's not obtuse.
With my lost saints, I hate thee to the death,
Grimaces, tears for all my life! And if God choose,
I shall but hate thee better after death.

So, it's been a reaaaaally long time since my last post, half because I don't know what to blog about and half because i'm too busy studying. Life has been really hectic for the past few months.

guitar+A Levels=no life

So I got my sticker on my guitar today, my ticket into participation in SYF. It doesn't mean much though. I'm expecting each and every J2 member of TPJC guitar ensemble to qualify for SYF. It would be such a waste if it doesn't happen.

On a lighter note, OMG Video Games Live! *drools* Who wants to go?