Sunday, August 31, 2008

Old times' sake

Well, Friday was Teachers' Day, it was a pretty enjoyable day for me. after an entertaining(sortof) celebration, I rushed to Victoria School ASAP to meet up with the 4E guys. So good to see all the familliar faces again.
Class 4E & me
Then we went to play pool :D

Day 2: Went for hightea with my Guitar Ensem instructor and some other people from other schools. The food was okay. They had chawanmushi though, so i'm not complaining. We went to Equinox, some restaraunt on the top level of Raffles hotel, probably has a really high price as well. I took a few photos:
All landscape photos taken with my cameraphone

Except this one of course

And then back to VS for the Scouts' campfire. Nothing much to say about this one, we were playing handphone games at the back.

Also, I learnt how to play Unintened by Muse!
But one of my favourite songs is "Feeling Good":

Birds flying high
You know how I feel
Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Reeds driftin' on by
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Fish in the sea
You know how I feel
River running free
You know how I feel
Blossom in the trees
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Dragonflies all out in the sun
You know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies are all havin' fun
You know what I mean
Sleep in peace when the day is done
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me

Stars when you shine
You know how I feel
Scent of the pine
You know how I feel
Yeah freedom is mine
And You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
For me...

And I'm feeling good

Thursday, August 28, 2008

laptop fixed!

Long hiatus on my blog, because someone dropped my bag with my laptop in it. BUT FEAR NO MORE, FOR THE SCREEN HAS BEEN FORGED ANEW. cough. So, another Olympics has come and gone. This one being the most epic of all. epic stadium, epic athletes, epic country, epic opening ceremony, epic medals, epic records. Here's a site with some really really epic photos of the opening ceremony. EPIC LINK
Here's my favourite:

So i removed my braces, and enjoyed freedom for a week. Today, i got my retainers. these things are restraining as hell. I guess you guys will be laughing at my inability to speak coherently for the next few days...ah well.
E-learning sucks shit btw.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympics are epic.

So. I watched the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics and boy, was it awesome. I expected something of the sort from China and they exceeded my expectations. The synchronisation of dancers/people is amazing. Seriously, it's not humanly possible. Only the Chinese are capable of such discipline and sheer epicness.

Michael Phelps. The main event of the Olympics, is made of pure awesome. Watch how he swims and find out for yourself. Gymnastics, diving, weightlifting and swimming are my fave events. Looking forward to the marathons and sprinting too.

Off-topic, my laptop's been sent for repair. Some idiot in my class dropped my bag with my lappy inside it. Now the screen flickers a little then turns black. Feel like punching the bastard. Pity he's the class monitor. So, I MAY be online in messenger, but it might not be me who's there. Watch out, malicious-people-out-there! *cough* Nigel, you sicko. *cough*

^^^ is funny stuff, but to be taken with a grain of salt. American humour is unpredictable and full of shit.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Right after school today, Nigel, Tedric and I went to Tampines mall to buy ice cream, soft drinks and clean and clear moisturiser/whitening solution/whatever. All that was for tomorrow's National Day bazaar at TPJC. Except for the clean and clear shit. That was Nigel's vanity kit. We're gonna be making floats! Though i really doubt that it will be a success. Seriously, who would want to buy floats? I think it's gonna be epic fail. Too bad we don't have nachos. Those are made of concentrated fail.

We went to Phin's for dinner. Some never-heard-of-before posh restaraunt thingie. Set meal cost 20++ incl GST. Oh the horror.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Some quiz thang

The person who last tagged you:

Your relationship with him/her is:

Your first impression of him/her:
fun, interesting, a lil' off the rocker

The most memorable thing he/she had done for you:
don't remember...

The most memorable thing he/she had said to you:
"It's going to be your fault when i starve to death"

If he/she becomes your lover, you will:
I have no friggen idea.

If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be:
music taste *hides*

If he/she becomes your enemy, you will:
Run far far away.

The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
Teach her to play the piano

Your overall impression of him/her is:
Very approachable, friendly & helpful and weird (everybody is to some extent, except me of course.)

How you think people around you will feel about you:
I should grow shorter and fatter and stop showing off my music-score reading skills(as lousy as they are)

The characters you love of yourself are:
I have a good vocabulary and can speak proper Engrish.
I'm tall.

The most ideal person you want to be is:
Some genius who is super fit

Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wished to know how they feel about you: not in order or whatever, i just randomly thought of names
1. Ashpenn
2. Hannah
3. Pei Ying
4. Hong Aik
5. Ben Koh
6. Joel Gnui
7. Anand James
8. Nigel
9. Ian Chong
10. Trivia

Who is number 6 having relationship with?
No idea, probably some VJ girl 1 year lder than him.

Is number 9 a female or male?

If number 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
Maybe. Height difference.

What is number 2 studying?
philosophical stuff, A levels.

When was the last time you had a chat with number 3?
About an hour ago

What kind of music band does number 8 like?
None. He listens to weird shit.

Does number 1 have any siblings:

Will you woo number 3?

How about number 7?

Is number 4 single?

What is the surname of number 5?

What's the hobby of number 4?
Playing Bridge and memorising lines from weird videos

Does number 5 and 9 get along well?
I'd assume so.

Where is number 2 studying at

Talk something casually about number 1:
^not really

Have you tried developing feelings for number 8?
No, but he has tried developing feelings for me...

Where does number 9 live at?
Rich ppl area

What colour does number 4 like?

Are number 5 and 1 best friends?

Does number 7 likes number 2?
Doubt it

How do you get to know number 2?
Guitar Ensemble. Or was it at Flagraising?

Does number 1 have any pets?
Used to, until he killed it or something. Or maybe it was his sister. dunno.

Is number 7 the sexiest person in the world?

What is number 10 doing now?
mugging bio?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Speech Day

Right after maths tuition today, I immediately sped to Victoria School, my alma mater just in time to catch the finale. It was Mr Wong Liang Seng, our infamous opera-singing Chemistry teacher. Then the band came in and played the Victoria Anthem (School Song). That was when I realised how attached how attached I was to the school. I cried and let the tears flow freely. After the Victorian Anthem.

The most interesting part came right after the Anthem. It was the cheering competition, to see who could cheer louder, the seniors(us) or the current batch. I'm proud to say that it was a tie.
Here's a video:

I saw so many familliar faces, though some of them no longer had names attached to them. A pity.
I congratulated one of my best friends, Hong Aik.
Holy shit my gums look horrible. This is one fugly picture. Pity its the only one I got.

Then I went with a few mates (Octave Ah Pui and Kevin Lameass) to Parkway Macs for dinner. Followed by pool with Ben and one of my bestest friends, Ashpenn. I had a freakin' awesome time with all my old mates and i'm hyped for next weeks gathering.

It's sad how we don't really appreciate what we have until we lose them.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Mugfest has started for me! Has it started for you? Bio-respiration is up next.

Here's an interesting video:

Like, lol, you know?

Tomorrow's VS speech day and i can't go for the damn thing. Maths fac test is next week and i gotta go for maths tuition. I miss all my old mates! And all the guy things we used to do to each other! Taupok ftw?